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North Little Rock Wastewater


Due to the annual industry meeting, WEFTEC, the October Wastewater Committee meeting will be held on October 15, 2024, the third Tuesday of October.

The North Little Rock Wastewater Treatment Committee is entrusted with determining the vision and direction of NLRW.

The Wastewater Treatment Committee was established in 1961 to oversee the Sewer Department (now North Little Rock Wastewater). The Committee consists of five members appointed by the Mayor of North Little Rock and approved by the City Council. They serve staggered five-year terms, during which time they attend monthly meetings to set policies, review program proposals, approve or deny large infrastructure investments, set the annual budget, and make other high-level decisions. Some financial decisions, such as changing sewer rates or issuing bonds, then go to the City Council for final approval.

Committee meetings are open to the public. They are held the second Tuesday of every month at 7400 Baucum Pike in North Little Rock.

Committee members can be contacted via email at


Term Expires 3/26/2026

Vice Chair & Treasurer

Term Expires 3/11/2029

Committee Member

Term Expires 3/26/2027

Committee Member

Term Expires 3/26/2025

Committee Member

Term Expires 3/26/2028

Call (501) 945-7186. Crews are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to address emergency sewer situations.

For billing questions or water service issues/connection, please visit the Central Arkansas Water website or call (501) 372-5161.

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Phone​ (Emergency and Non-Emergency)



7400 Baucum Pike
PO Box 17898
North Little Rock, AR 72117

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